Wednesday, February 29, 2012

#NothingButPositiveTweetsThisWeek Part 2

It's been a couple of days since I decided to start my week of positivity. Here are some things that have stood out to me.

  • People assume that many of my tweets are sarcastic. Much of this has to do with my sarcastic nature, but all of my tweets have actually been from an honest and positive view. 
  • Being positive has made me look at situations I want to share with people and find the bright side. After being at a board meeting for close to three hours, it would have been easy to send a flurry of tweets complaining about the pacing of the meeting. Instead, I was positive about local government and people being passionate about their positions. 
  • I've seen the positive attitude spread to others. It is so nice to see the positive tweets of others over the course of a couple days. I really hope that more people tweet positive things going on around them. 
  • I think I've been more pleasant to be around. A student I saw today said, "Wow, you are really excited about Gothic Lit." I am excited about it and it was cool that a student, one I do not teach, saw my excitement about a unit I'm teaching through literature. 
I think staying positive in the face of adversity is a tough thing to do and there is always a place, a small place, to be negative. I don't want negativity to define me as a teacher. I need to start thinking about the way things can work instead of the reasons it will not work. Being positive for a week is great, but I need to focus on bringing that thinking to every aspect of my life after the 7 days are up. 

How is positive thinking, or the lack of it, impacting your daily lives?

Have a great day everyone!



  1. As a future teacher (currently working on my Master's in Teaching) I really appreciated this post. I find it so easy to get into a negative place and stay there, and we all know that the daily grind can leave you exhausted and cranky. However, as your post points out, being positive is a choice, and we have to be vigilant about choosing correctly. Thanks for the pep talk.

  2. I can't tell you the difference the tone makes at a school or anywhere for that matter when the leader/admin sets a positive tone for the work environment. Love your blog BTW. I'm your newest follower. Great information!
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  3. What a great idea, Nicholas! I just saw this post (I'm seriously behind on my gReader) but did notice the positive tweets you've been sending. :-)

  4. Well... that's interesting but to be honest i have a hard time figuring it... wonder how others think about this.. essay writing services


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