Sunday, February 14, 2010

Michigan Tweeps Unite!

I love my PLN! The Blogging Alliance organized by Kelly Tenkely is awesome. I've learned so much from these wonderful teachers and their blogs. I would love to reach out and try to grab more of my fellow Michiganders and share some ideas with you. There are many issues that are facing the world of education right now, but there are some that are unique to Michigan as well. We are all "Racing to the Top" and trying to get our students ready for the MME and ACT. I'm sure many of us have wonderful ideas that we are using in our classroom to get are students ready for these tests. There are great grants out there that we should share with one another as we all feel the budget crunch. Twitter and our logs are a great way to reach out to the world, but we shouldn't forget about our Mitten Shaped Backyard.

If you are a Michigan Tweeter and/or Blogger, please leave a comment with your Twitter id and/or blog. If you do not want it that public, drop me an email at

Feel free offer any suggestions or tell me that someone has already organized the Michigan Tweeters. Thanks again.


  1. Great idea, I hope all of you Michagan teachers will take advantage :)

  2. I'm a Michigan teacher on Twitter. @kchichester I think that you aready follow my Twitter List . I just added you to the list and started following you. I am looking forward to getting to know you.

  3. It has been so great to have such a huge PLN on Twitter! I continue to learn new things every day! My Twitter name is @tinneyc.


Please post your thoughts here. Thanks!