Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where I've Been...

Where I've Been...

Warning, this post has nothing to do with edtech or pop culture specifically. This one is more of a personal post. 

Well, this has been a crazy week and a half. Some people know what has been going on and have followed the tweets, but I know others are also busy and have missed the story. I thought I would just fill everyone in on the craziness. 

The craziness started at 4am on Saturday May 7th. The night before I played in a charity volleyball tournament at my school and my wife was staying with her mom in case she went into labor early. Saturday was the inaugural Edcamp Detroit at Wayne State University and I could not sleep. I was sore from Volleyball and just anxious to see all of the hard work pay off.

Edcamp was awesome and I truly need to write another post on it's awesomeness. We had over 100 educators attend and many of them said it was the best "conference" they had ever attended. With the help of some awesome people, Edcamp Detroit was a huge success and people are excited to see what next year will bring. By 7pm, I was exhausted and ready for bed. The wife and I had a nice Sunday planned before we would go to the hospital to induce labor on Monday. @BabyProvenzano had other plans.

At 2am, I get the nudge every expectant father fears. The water was broken and we needed to rush to the hospital. After 20 hours, Leonardo Nicholas Provenzano was welcomed into the world. He was a little out of it due to some blood pressure drugs the wife was on. I've never been so nervous in my entire life. My wife was a champ and would need to be over the next few days.

Leo was a bit Jaundiced and needed to be wrapped up like a Glow Worm. He is the cutest little thing in the world. I'll share pictures on here when I'm at a computer, but I'm typing on my iPhone right now. After a few days, my wife was discharged, but Leo needed to stay. It made for a hard night home. 

We were finally able to take Leo home Thursday and we spent our first night together as a family. He is a perfect little guy. Only up a couple of times and went back to sleep after a bottle. I was bummed because I couldn't stay the next day with him.

I had to go back to school on Friday because I couldn't be gone for 5 days in a row. It was a long day and I'm sure I was short with students. I still haven't slept well since in a week and I had a ton on my plate. I needed to check assignments, enter in grades and lesson plan. Missing school is not easy for teachers. Being at school while a newborn is at home is even harder. The one thing that helped me get through the day was some kind words from staff and admins about edcamp and a quote in the New York Times for an article on Social Media in the classroom. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/13/education/13social.html

I have received tons of feedback and people from all over have contacted me about the article. Heck, I've been asked to be in a documentary on tech in the world today and will be flying out to my school in June to interview me. @eolsonteacher and are going to collaborate on something fun over the summer. It's been super crazy and I am trying to keep all of the plates spinning, but sometimes plates fall. 

Saturday we had to take Leo to the Doctor to check his BR numbers for Jaundice. Jen wasn't feeling well, but we chalked it up to having a baby a week ago. The appointment went well, but Jen was going in the other direction quickly. 

Jen spiked a fever and was rushed to the hospital. We have been here since then and she has been given lots of drugs and a blood transfusion. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law have watched over Leo and have done a wonderful job, but bad luck is a nasty person.

I've started to feel badly and threw out my back this morning. Apparently, hospital room couches are not designed for surgically repaired backs. Also, my sister-in-law's son was playing and he accidentally knocked a glass light fixture from the ceiling onto his face causing him to be rushed to the hospital to receive 30+ stitches on his face. Yikes. 

...and where I'm going.

During this crazy time, I've also been working on a new tech plan for my district. A bunch of great teachers are working on re-doing the way we do tech. I'm excited about this process and want to see positive changes. I'm pushing for tech integrationists. Our district needs them and I want to be one. It's not a secret. I can't be an English teacher and the district's go to tech guy. I will only have time to do one. Either way, I will be happy. I just need to know which it will be. 

I'm excited about the summer and all of the cool things I've got ahead of me and my family. I want to thank my amazing PLN for being supportive during this process. You made me smile when I was freaking out. You made my wife feel the support when times were tough. I'm sure you will provide plenty of giggles for Leo as he gets older. 

See you guys and gals around! 

- Nick


  1. When it rains it pours! My thoughts are with all of you for a speedy recovery and a return to normalcy. Luckily, summer is just around the corner! I'm glad to hear you've got some good news peppered in with the challenges.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations, I have been following your tweets and feeling the excitement of first time parent... My baby is 18 now and I still vividly remember those first precious days. You sure are having a challenging time and you are being pulled in every direction. Make sure you try and get plenty of rest and lots of time for Leo. School sometimes just has to wait!!! Best wishes to your wife for a speedy recovery!
    Anne K

  4. Congratulations on baby Leo. I can relate to being pulled in many directions (as so many educators can), but I do have to say that school will wait. I have always been an overly involved teacher and the last two years I have had to be away from work for over a full year. The one thing that rings true for all of us is that no matter how much we do in a school, how much our contributions are valued -- the school can and will go on without us.

    Enjoy your little one, live your life and share these moments with your beautiful wife -- these are times you can't get back so give yourself permission to enjoy them and put school on the back burner for a while.

    My two cents.

  5. What a wild ride! When I became a father, it totally changed my attitude to my work and my relationship to my students. It's worth having a think about it.

    Best wishes to you and yours. It gets better. Not easier, but better. :)

  6. Wow, what a raucous start to little Leo's life! It can only get better from here! We look forward to receiving more updates from you. Your adventure has been riveting, to say the least!
    @sylviaduckworth on Twitter

  7. I am both so happy and so sorry for the difficult time you have had. Having a baby is the best thing in the world and it is also the hardest thing because of the changes and the nervousness, etc. To do this while having your wife become ill is just a terrible shame; for that I am sorry. Hopefully within the next few days,weeks, all will be copacetic and you can bask in the glow of your new family and your fantastic career. Wishing you and your family the best!

  8. Congratulations! Having a baby is always a wonderful event - crazy and chaotic - but wonderful. I can't believe all what is happening at once. This will pass and you will have a happy, healthy family to enjoy! Congratulations again.

    On a different note - I found out that after 17 years of being in the classroom, my district wants me to be the k-6 ed tech specialist for the district (we have never had one either). I wasn't expecting or prepared for the offer. That day I read your post about your district needing one and what is the most beneficial model of tech integration to use - reading everyone's comments really got me excited for the job and now I am totally psyched. I hope your district finds the need and you get the position!

  9. Congratulations on having a baby.
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