
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Let's Go Exploring

I took another day off from Twitter the other day to catch up on work. I had an awesome time at #EduCon, but found myself behind in many different parts of my Nerdy life.

I dusted off my old resume the other day and noticed it needed a touch up. I needed to add all of the wonderful tech stuff I've been involved with over the past couple of years, my extra certifications, etc.  I was shocked to see everything I had my hand in at the moment. Edcamp, ISTE, MACUL, ProjectPLN and a new baby are just a few. Notice I didn't have my paying job on that list. I'm crazy busy and I didn't realize the impact it was having on the day to day me.

I have a serious problem. I can't say no to people. I want to help people. It's selfish. I like helping because it feels good. Maybe it's because I was kind of a turd growing up. I'm not really sure, but I am an eternal giver and have a hard time turning away from people who need help. It's obvious why I became a teacher. However, I'm learning that it is possible to be too helpful.

I've realized that Twitter has helped me establish an amazing PLN I can turn to when I need help. However, Twitter is starting to take up too much of my time. I find myself sitting and cruising my feed when I could be doing other things for other projects. I've always been a master procrastinator, but now I find myself putting too many things off until the last minute. I want people to be happy they asked me for help and I need to be able to give everyone my best. To do that, I need to make time budget cuts. Twitter is the spot where I feel I can make a cut. I'm not happy about it, but I feel I need to take a small break.

Now, I'm not suggesting that I'm going to sign off and walk into the digital sunset. I'm rededicating myself to my big projects and my future mini-nerd. I'm still going to be around. I'll be posting regularly on my blog, working tirelessly on #edcampDetroit, sharing Van Meter's and Grosse Pointe's Epic Romeo and Juliet project, and gearing up for ISTE. I will still stop in on #edchat, #ptchat, #engchat and other chats. These parts of of teaching life have grown out of my connection with all of you. I would not be The Nerdy Teacher without all your support. I want these projects to be amazing and I need to cut back in other areas so the stress doesn't get to me.

I posted the Calvin and Hobbes comic because he has always been sort of a role model for me. His creativity and passion for knowledge have always inspired me. The last comic in the series is one of my favorite. Calvin looks at fresh snow and sees a chance to explore a new world. Every new project and person I have met has opened up a new world to explore. I'm going to use some of my extra time to do some exploring.

- See ya later alligator

- Nick


  1. Nick, I can totally relate to this! Others can too, so we understand. Your little mini-me nerdy guy needs you most of all!

    I wrote a similar post last week. With my little time on Twitter and a new little blog and full-time teaching--that is more than enough to fill my days to overflowing.
    Denise Krebs
    Consumption vs. Production

  2. Nick, This is the first time I've been to your site. Looks great. I thought I was busy taking my last two Master's classes, but I think you've got me beat. I actually look forward to walking away from my computer, but it doesn't sound like you get a chance. If I can offer one piece of advice, prioritize, but just remember, family always comes first.


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