
Monday, January 14, 2019

"I Just Don't Know"

Sometimes, it is ok to just tell a student, "I just don't know." That sounds crazy, but in a world where there is pressure to have all of the answers all of the time, we need to model for students the ability to say, "IDK."

In the Makerspace, I find myself telling students I'm unsure how to do something and then sitting with them to figure out how to do it. It allows the teacher to become an active learner alongside the students. When students can see their teacher not know something and be willing to learn something new, it can encourage them to do the same.

MakerEd is nuts because it covers just about anything that anyone can make. It is impossible to know it all. A simple IDK has really helped students see that teachers do not have all of the answers and that is ok. It also showed them that teachers are life long learners. It's what we want for our students, so we need to make sure we show it too.

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