
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Things that make me feel like a winner

There is an awards show that is kicking of shortly and I've been nominated. Awards are funny and I never know how to take them. It's an honor when people nominate you for things and it is humbling. I'm not sure if there will ever be an awards system that is without flaws, but no matter how tonight, or any other night, ends, there are some things that make me feel like a winner.

- When a student comes by my room early in the morning to talk because they feel comfortable.

- A colleague compliments me on a lesson they observed.

- Being asked by students to write them letters of recommendation because they feel "I get them". 

- Watching students pursue their passion during 20 Time.

- Having a student come out to me because they felt like I was the only one who could support them.

- Watching a student "get it" after hours of hard work before and after school.

- Every time a student says thank you.

- A kind tweet from someone that saw me present.

- Each and every high five I receive from students.

- The emails and notes of appreciation I've saved from students and parents over the years.

- My son's face whenever I teach him something new.

- Fighting for my students and what is best for them and I actually institute change. 

- My PLN. You make me feel like a winner every day. I can never thank you enough for that.

I hope everyone has a great night. I'm hanging with my son tonight exploring the sky with our new telescope. 

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