
Monday, March 17, 2014

#RunWithRiley - A #20Time Post

I started to get back in shape after a long layoff due to minor injuries over the years. I got a Fitbit and run 6 days a week. I wanted to do this because I wanted to keep up with the little tornado in my house. Part of my inspiration came from a student who decided she wanted to run a marathon for her 20 Time Project.

Here is a link to Lauren's blog

Here is what she said about choosing her project.

"Every time I go a little farther than I have ever ran before I just prove to myself that I can do whatever I want."

When she chose her project, I told her I would be there at the finish line to cheer her on. I intend to keep that promise with a bit extra thrown in. A few weeks ago, Lauren asked me if I would run the marathon with her. I laughed and said there would be no way I could get ready for a Marathon by May. She told me she wanted me to join the relay team that would be running along with her for parts of the marathon. She needed 6 people and wanted to know if I would join. I said yes, then asked the class who wanted to join us. 2 cross country runners said they would do the 10K portions of the marathon with her. The kids barely hesitated when I asked. It was awesome.

I look at this relay I will be running with Lauren as the perfect metaphor for 20 Time. My role during this run is to stay by her side and support her in her project. I will be doing that in a very literal sense on May 4. 20 Time is all about supporting students and the dreams they are chasing. As teachers, our job is to help them with that chase and provide them with the tools to make it possible. 

I ran my first 5K the other day on the treadmill and I shared it with Lauren on Twitter and created the tag #RunWithRiley. I would love if this tag could be used by all of my friends out there running to show support for Lauren and her goal. You can use the tag or send her a tweet to @RaurenLiley. Let's all be there to support a student doing something awesome. 

Thanks everyone!



  1. That is an awesome story, Nick! I'm slowly training to run my first 12K after some recurring calf injuries. I've only ever run 5K so it's quite a task for me. I had a setback Saturday after injuring my other calf! It's healing well and doesn't seem serious so I should be back to training soon! I'll keep you both in mind as I train for my run, which is also in May BTW. :)

  2. Inspiring Nick! Good for you to be open minded and supportive. This will impact Lauren for the rest of her life. I'll be sure to use the hashtag and I'll keep a look out for any updates. Maybe you can give us all an update at Edcamp Detroit? Just a thought.


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