
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

.@ScanSnap to get ready for the #EduTour

When someone tells me that some is the best ever at doing something, I always take it with a grain of salt. I have had so many slices of the best pizza from all over the country it would truly amaze you. However, Fujitsu claimed to have really fast scanning with the ScanSnap desktop scanner and I was blown away.

I needed to scan tons of paperwork to make the #EduTour happen. I needed to send things that have been signed and contracts with other people all had to be sent out across the country. The ScanSnap scanner was more than up to the task. I didn't lose any quality in the scans either. I thought there had to be some loss in resolution, but I couldn't see it.

The ScanSnap sits nicely on my desk and I slide it out when I need to get some heavy duty scanning done. I have placed 10 pieces of paper to scan and it did it and saved it as a PDF on my desktop in under 60 seconds. That is amazing.

ScanSnap also gives you the option to attach to an email and even save directly to Evernote. So, many of these contracts and other forms I needed to scan, I was able to scan them and email them to the people that needed them AND save a copy in my Evernote notebooks. ScanSnap allowed me to be very organized for this trip and that is important. I want to be as paperless as possible and ScanSnap helped in that regard.

If you are looking for great quality and fast scanning in an effort to clean up the clutter from your desk, you have to check out the ScanSnap from Fujitsu.

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