
Monday, March 4, 2013

Teachers Solicit Undercover Students to Crack the Code on Student Engagement #EdChat #NerdyCast #Hooked #Premiere

Teachers Solicit Undercover Students to Crack the Code on Student Engagement

We have been teasing it out for weeks and it is with great pride that I announce the premiere of Hooked! on #NerdyCast. Hooked is the radio show that Tim and I host on BAM! Radio that focuses on Student Engagement in all of its forms.

Four our first show, we thought it would be a great idea to round up some students and give them a microphone. As you can imagine, silliness ensues, but some amazing ideas come out of this conversation. Sometimes the simplest solutions when it comes to Student Engagement involves just listening to students.

Set aside 16 minutes of your time, make some nachos and enjoy an awesome conversation about Student Engagement from the Student point of view.

You can find the show here and on iTunes.

1 comment:

  1. Great podcast. It's so important that educators (administrators and teachers) take the time to listen to students. Not surprisingly, your students' answers pretty much matched what the students at my school said when I asked them "What are the qualities you look for in your teachers. The best teachers..." I blogged about it .

    A great, worthwhile 16 minutes.


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