
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gatsby Graffiti and Animation

My students created "graffiti" to put in display to teach students about themes and symbols found in "The Great Gatsby". These pictures demonstrate the power of PBL and technology.

Here is a video with some close-ups of each work. 

Another group asked if they could download an app for their iPad because they really wanted to do animation for their project. I was out of money for apps purchasing, so I picked up an iTunes card and used it to upload the app on her device. The student in the group worked on this for a week. We are working on adding the song she wants soon. The app was Animation Desk. 

There are many more projects I can't wait to share with all of you. Stay tuned for more great work. 


  1. THese look excellent! I love the idea of the graffiti to illustrate the themes. Adding the QR codes makes these displays interactive with their audience. Nice!

  2. By the way, the artist who created the animation is incredible! I love the animation app and will have to check it out.

  3. Do you have the PBL that you would be willing to share? I am trying to find a "great" Gatsby PBL and I LOVE the idea of graffiti.


Please post your thoughts here. Thanks!