
Monday, April 30, 2012

Dear Microsoft...

Dear Microsoft,

I hate to do this in a letter, but I feel I'm better with the written word than I am speaking face to face. I'm going to just say it. I'm breaking up with you. I know you might seem surprised, but if you look at our relationship recently, it's been heading this way for a while and I had no choice. I'm leaving you for Google.

You have tried so hard to keep me interested and I have waited patiently for you to blow my mind, but it hasn't happened. I have flirted with Google for years and have resisted the urge to move in completely because Google has some privacy issues, but I feel like things are better now.

I love the fact that Google is always looking to try things out. I need to be with someone who is willing to experiment. For me, that is a big Plus, even if the idea is a big minus. You were never really willing to learn or try things out. You might change the packaging, but it is always the same things.

I'm not going to lie, the fact that Google plays well with others is another reason I'm making the move. You have fought long and hard with my best friend Apple even though you know how close we are. It was a losing battle for you. Yes, I know that Google and Apple have their differences, but they play well when their together and that is what matters for now. Heaven forbid I'm ever in a position to choose either of them over the other.

The most recent event that had me make this tough decision is Google just opened up more space in their house for me. You forced me to keep my stuff in so many different locations or use third parties to hold my information it drove me crazy. I feel like if we were ever to be truly serious, you had to meet my needs and have all of my stuff with you. If I wanted to share my stuff, you gave me crap. I couldn't willingly live that way when I had options.

Google actually encourages me to share with others. It's so liberating. I need to be in a relationship that lets me be free and open to new and exciting things. That is what Google offers me. You just can't match that right now.

Google offers me everything I need when I want it. Google likes sharing videos and lets me write blog posts whenever I want. I'm writing this with Google right now. I'm sorry if that is awkward, but it is just the way things are now.

I'm sorry if I have led you on for the past couple of years. I wanted to make sure that I knew what I was doing. We've been together for so long, I was scared to move on, but it is the best decision for me right now. I've got my kids to think about. Do I want them to see me with you while secretly using Google on the side? I don't think so. I'm sure you will be fine and we will see each other at work from time to time. I hope we can be civil. I'd appreciate it if you could keep this between the two of us for now, I have to write a letter to Dropbox.

Wishing you the best,

The Nerdy Teacher


  1. Amen! I totally agree. My school switched to GoogleApps about a year and a half ago. All our kids K-8 have their own Gmail accounts and access to all the Google Apps. It has allowed my room to become virtually paperless. Between Google Apps and the Smart Notebook software for the Smart Booard in my room, Microsoft is becoming more and more non-existent; and dare I say, becoming out-dated, in my classroom. Even when it comes to presentation tools, the kids would much rather use Web 2.0 tools like Prezi, Animoto, or Capzules.


  2. You are hilarious. I love this!

  3. Dear Microsoft,

    You broke my windows and I hate to pay for it. You suck. We're done.

    Apple-Google-Linux User

  4. Poetic. Epic. Seriously.

    Thank you. It had to be done.

  5. Bad month for Microsoft - I also broke up with her. Now in an open relationship with Apple, Droid Razr, and Lap Dock. We all get along and sometimes it's hard to tell which of my partners I'm with. Seamless, no crashes, no slow-downs. Life is good.

  6. Great post! Very entertaining and so very true!

    GCTrainer - @catlett1


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