
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

iP@d Pilot/ #PBL Update 2.1 #Edchat

I received this email today and I had to share it with all of you. The name of the students has been changed.

I did not have time to stop by (too see class presentations), but wanted to let you know Zach Morris stopped by to show me his (project) - he was really proud of it. To see a kid who would basically have nothing to do with school last year so engaged and pleased was exceptionally cool!

Could I get your assignment/rubrics for this and any other tips on how to do it logistically? Very cool project and makes the challenging topic/readings very accessible. Nick said being able to do the project made the "challenging reading" worthwhile. Made me smile :)

The students were creating Transcendentalist Societies using their iPads and this student had been working hard all week. While this says something about the iPad project, it also says something about Project Based Learning.

Sometimes, the right project at the right time can have a profound impact on a student. This email will be stored in a folder for years to come.

I hope everyone is having a great day.

- @TheNerdyTeacher

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of project based learning. I want to use more of it in my online classes....and (as opposed to but) constructing thses projects is challenging. I try to offer choice and flexibility ito the studentfor tools and content. Being an online teacher, Ideal with students who have very varied backgrounds and technology skills. Do you have a clear process that you follow to develop these projects? Maybe a checklist that you might be willing to share?


Please post your thoughts here. Thanks!