
Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Edublog Award Nominations #Eddies11

It's that time of year to nominate your favorite Social Media users in education. You can find more information on the Edublog Awards here. Below are some of the people I think are truly amazing in what they do every day and are an inspiration to me.

I want to thank everyone who has nominated me for awards this year. I appreciate all of the support all of you have given my silly site. :-)
I finally had a chance to meet Bill a few weeks ago at a conference and he is great guy. I have followed his blog for some time and I tend to agree with most of what he writes about. When I don't I love the fact that it challenges my thinking on various topics. I highly suggest you check out his plug and follow him on Twitter (@Plugusin) for some great ideas and resources. 
One of my goals is to get up early enough to tweet a resource before Steve. That has yet to happen in over a year. Most of my resources come from Steve and they are gems. I've been able to work with Steve and he is just one of the nicest people on Twitter and in person. He works tirelessly to share the web's knowledge to anyone that will listen. He is a hard worker and crazy Tweeter. He is more than deserving of the best individual tweeter award. 
I love this blog because it gives me insight into what administrators are thinking about school issues. I love to get different perspectives on education and I feel this site is great at providing that different angle. The contributors are people I consider all-stars in the world of education and I always look forward to their new posts. This is a must follow on the Google Reader
I have known Kelly for about 2 years and consider her a great friend. I was new to the world of ed tech and I stumbled upon her site and was amazed at what she had to offer. She was the first person I followed onTwitter and was the first person to respond to a question I had asked. She is one of the hardest workers in the world and still finds time to work with me on Project PLN and other project ideas. Her site is something I always point teachers to in my district and on my site. She has something for everyone and is more than deserving of this award. 
I met Erin at Edcamp Detroit last year. She is full of amazing energy and her new site shows it off. She is always looking to share awesome resources and her thoughts on educational issues. It is always refreshing to hear a new voice in the educational field. I'm also a little biased because she is from Michigan, but if you read her work, you will see why she is worth following. I look forward to more amazing work to come from Erin in the future. 
#Edchat was the first hashtag I followed and has led to many great friendships and wonderful ideas. It's a great place for teachers to start listening if they are new to Twitter and it's also a grew place to start engaging because of how friendly everyone is. #edchat is a no-brainer choice for me. 
Amanda writes with such heart. Her blog is filled with her passion and she wants the world to see it. Whether it is after a good day or bad day, Amanda lets us know how she is feeling. Her honestly is something I admire. I love her blog and am always looking forward to her new posts. She also has awesome shoes. :-)
If it were not for Shannon, I would not have been able to do my Epic Romeo and Juliet Project. She is an amazing person always looking for different ways to connect her students to classrooms all over the world. She is advocate for teacher librarians and has resources galore for those that are interested. I always look forward to seeing her at conferences because she is just a great person to be around and I know I will learn something awesome from her. She is truly an amazing librarian and friend. 
  • Best School Administrator blog -  Lyn Hilt
I just want to say that Lyn Hilt is the bomb. That really does sum up everything I need to say about her. I love her fresh ideas and honesty on her blog. She is always willing to share her thoughts on a topic and is one of the first people I turn to for advice. Correction, she is the bomb-diggity. 
  • Best open PD / unconference / webinar series - #edcamp
There are so many great webinars and unconferences out there, it was hard to choose one. I decided to go with #edcamp because of the impact they have had on me and many other teachers I know. I was lucky enough to go to decamp KC and NYC in the past and they were awesome experiences. So much so, that decamp Detroit was born. I love the fact that teachers who do not know each other can come together and share their thoughts and new ideas. It's a wonderful venue for learning and I look forward to attending more of them in the future. 
Jerry is the wikipedia of education. He has every bit of educational technology indexed on his site somewhere. I point all new teachers to his page for more information on various hash tag chats and all-star educators. He has been doing this for years and loves being an active member of the education community. He is on my list of people that I have to meet. Jerry is very deserving of this award. 

These are my nominations for the #Eddies11. Take the time to post your own nominations and share them with others. Follow this link to see the rules and nomination process.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pal,

    Thanks a TON for the Eddies nod.

    Anytime that my content resonates with someone else -- especially someone like you who I respect and admire -- I'm jazzed.

    Never underestimate the important role that your content plays in my own learning and growth.

    I look for you in my stream all the time and love the intellectual synergy that I find between what you're writing and sharing and my own beliefs.

    Definitely enjoyed meeting you in Indy. Wish we had more time to hang out. Hope you'll be at #educon, and if not, hope we'll cross paths again sooner rather than later.

    Rock right on,


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