
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Adobe Education Exchange - The 2011 Educators' Choice Awards

I'm proud to announce The 2011 Educators' Choice Awards by Adobe Education Exchange.

Here is a breakdown of the contest:


The Adobe Education Exchange is a place where teachers can share lessons using Adobe Products. There are lessons that span across the curriculum for teachers to use in their own classes. It is free to sign up and start looking at some amazing lessons.

The Educators' Choice Awards starts accepting lessons August 1st and are voted on by fellow members of the Education Exchange. So, teachers will be evaluating the lessons submitted by other teachers!


First, you need to be a member of the Adobe Education Exchange.

Next, you need to submit your lesson. You can do that here.

You will be eligible in one of 4 categories.

Higher Education Digital Arts and Media

Higher Education Cross-Curricular

Primary/Secondary Digital Arts and Media

Primary/Secondary Cross Curricular

From there, start to look around and see the great resources that have already been submitted. Start rating their lessons and spread the good word around.


Here is a timeline that Adobe has provided a timeline on their site, but here it is for all of you.

The contest began August 1st and teachers can submit lessons until October 14th.

During the submission period, other teachers can rate the lessons submitted to the contest.

The Finalists will be determined from October 14 - October 17.

Once the finalist are selected, members of the Adobe Education Exchange can vote on the finalists in each of the four categories from October 17 - October 29.

After October 29th, a winner and two runner-ups will be announced November 9th.

There are some awesome prizes for the lucky winners. Computers, Tablets and Software go to the winners of this great contest.

I'm a big fan of winning prizes for being creative. This is exactly what this contest is all about. Letting educators share how they use Adobe products in a creative fashion. What's even better is that the contest encourages sharing those lessons with other teachers.
I intend on following this contest closely and will be providing updates for all of you. I hope you plan on uploading some great lessons to the Adobe Education Exchange and passing this along to others.

Stay tuned here for more updates and surprises.

- @TheNerdyTeacher

Full Disclosure: Adobe is a sponsor of The Nerdy Teacher.

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