
Thursday, January 27, 2011

#EduCon - Prologue

The hour approaches where I will be boarding a plane and heading to another conference. I will not be presenting at this one, despite m best efforts, and I’m kind of glad. I feel like I will have a better time learning from others. I will not have to worry about my presentation, my tech needs or if my fly is down.

I’m excited to see my friends and share stories that are hard to pass along on Twitter. I look forward to meeting new educators that share my passion for learning and change. The think I like most about these education conferences is that it is what I make of it. I know I will learn because I want to learn. Even if I have trouble finding a great conversation to attend, highly unlikely, I know that I will be surrounded by others that have loads of information to share.

I truly believe that teachers are a rare breed. We have something that connects us no matter what grade, country, state or subject we teach. Our passion for learning and growth is unmatched by any other profession as far as I am concerned. We are a group of Nation Builders. #Educon is another avenue to fine tune my skills to help me prepare my students for the world ahead. I can’t wait to get down to Philly, have a cheese steak and learn.

Look out Philly!

- @TheNerdyTeacher

P.S. – A new post in my Everything I Learned series is coming soon. Keep an eye out for it. It is very Nerdy.


  1. SO excited to hear all about it! (And jealous that I can't be there...)

  2. Wish I had been there with you! Love that line "we are a team of nation builders." Makes me feel better about the state of this nation :)


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