
Monday, March 22, 2010

#MissionMonday for March 22

Today's #MissionMonday is "Treat yourself to something nice at the end of the day. As educators, we deserve nice things too."

It's not news that our jobs are not always easy. There are a million different things that are going on and we need to get them all done by the end of the school day or take all of it home. The economy has hit many areas very hard and education is an area that always loses the economic battle. I'm going to be spending tonight with my fellow teacher picketing the school board before the meeting because we are not happy with their suggested 14%-20% pay cut they are offering us in the new contract. Not cool.

It is easy to get wrapped up in the stress of things and forget to treat yourself to something nice. Our concern is focused on our students, other teachers, the district and our families. Take a moment to treat yourself to something nice. Maybe it is a cupcake or a cookie. A massage you have been putting off could go a long way. Remember that we are only useful to our students and loved one if we are happy, healthy and relaxed.

Have a great week everyone. Remember to "Teach the Crap out of those kids!"


  1. You are so right Nick. We can only look after others if we look after ourselves. It can be hard sometimes to take some time out, or to say 'no' to somebody, but sometimes it needs to be done.

    What a terrible thing that a paycut is in the pipeline. No one should ever get a pay cut. I can see times when wages have to stay static, but a pay cut is out of the question! And so many teachers like you Nick put their heart and soul and so many hours into teaching and learning and sharing.

    I hope things work out. Otherwise, there seems to be plenty of teaching jobs in Australia!

  2. Not cool at all! I hope that you are joined by a chorus of loud teachers!
    This #missionmonday was easy for me. I'm on spring break and treated myself to a nice LONG walk in the middle of the day in the sunshine. Loved every minute of it!


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