
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

10 Weeks No Tests Update IV

I know I just posted Part III, but there is another update to my no tests initiative. I introduced the Student Created Assessment to my American Literature Students today and they were pretty excited. "So we will not have to take some big MC test at the end of the book?" Also heard, "I can create any assessment I want to show you what I've learned. What's the catch?"

The kids were shocked because they were not sure what I was up to. They are not used to having the power of assessment in their hands. Once I walked them through the requirements (You can see them here on my Livebinder) there was a burst of ideas from the various students. Here are just a few of the ideas they came up with that I am really excited about.

Someone suggested creating a facebook page for the characters in the story. Something like the ones people created for Hamlet and Star Wars.

Create an infomercial for the book explaining the benefits of reading the book.

Creating a sculpture that represents the themes in the story.

Photo montages depicting important aspects of the story.

Re-writing the book as a graphic novel.

2 minute movie recap or a trailer for a new movie version of the book.

These are just a few of the great ideas that students came up with during a 19 minute class period. (We had a half day for Staff PD) Tell me that filling in bubbles is "better" for our students. I'll keep everyone posted on the projects as they come in. Proposals are due Monday, so I should have a better idea about what I'm going to see.

- @TheNerdyTeacher


  1. From Oh_the_Places:
    I love the no test assessment approach. I still remember the day I told my 6th graders they were going to have a test over ancient Mesopotamia - create a brochure on any of the 5 cultures we had learned about that lived there. Shock and excitement don't even describe it. The next unit, Egypt, students created ABC books and designed the rubric to grade it. Liberating (plus they learned WAAAAY more about the curriculum than I could ever teach)

  2. wow your students have some great ideas. I applaud you for trying this with your students.

  3. Kids are so creative! We just have to give them the ability to go there. Nice job!


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